If you suffer from pain in your joints, especially sharp or debilitating pain, you may be affected by a rheumatic disease called gout. This condition is very common, and while incurable, it can be effectively managed with the help of medical treatments and lifestyle adjustments.

What Is Gout?

Symptoms of gout include joint pain that can be anywhere from mild to debilitating. It’s a complex form of arthritis caused by uric acid levels in the blood causing urate crystals, which have a needle-like structure, to build up in your joints. Other symptoms center around the affected joints, including inflammation, redness, tenderness, and a limited range of motion.

Joint Pain
The most common identifier of gout is intense joint pain that occurs suddenly and can be so intense that it even wakes you from sleeping in the middle of the night. If you have pain that isn’t improving or that occurs regularly in this manner, speak to your Rheumatology specialist in order to adjust your treatment program.

Managing Gout
In addition to medical treatments, patients can effectively manage gout by making lifestyle adjustments. High levels of uric acid in the blood are a major cause of crystal build up and these levels can increase after consuming red meat, alcohol, some types of seafood and shellfish, and drinks or food containing fructose.

Treating Gout
While lifestyle, diet, and exercise adjustments can sometimes provide effective prevention for gout attacks, some patients may require medical treatments or medications to help control the effects of this condition. Medications that help to control hypertension, ACE inhibitors, and beta blockers are among potential treatments that can help with gout, but each person’s body, condition, and needs are different. Your rheumatologist may prescribe one or more medications to assist with managing your symptoms.
If you suffer from gout or think you may have gout, don’t hesitate! Our team of dedicated specialists is here to help you with management and treatment for your symptoms. Request an appointment online today to get started.